• Introduction to the Onahs of Time
  • The Dead Sea Scroll calendar, also called the Zadok calendar, maps out time from the Creation (in Genesis) to the Creation of a New Heavens and a New Earth (in Revelation). The scrolls teach that between these two events spans seven thousand years. Details are given below on how this calendar works. Above are fourteen buttons which will take you to a page where you can study the history of each of the five-hundred-year Onahs.

  • The Four Ages
  • The above graphic shows how the four Ages are divided into fourteen Onahs. Elijah's School of the Prophets taught that the time of man, which started at the Genesis Creation and ends with the Revelation Creation of a New Heavens and New Earth, would last seven thousand years.

    Age of Creation
    The first four Onahs make up the first 2000-year Age, 1-2000 AM or 3925-1925 BC.

    Age of Torah
    Onahs five through eight make up the second 2000-year Age, 2001-4000 AM or 1926 BC - AD 75.

    Age of Grace
    Onahs nine through twelve make up the third 2000-year Age, 4001-6000 AM or AD 75-2075.

    Age of the Kingdom
    Onahs thirteen and fourteen make up this fourth Age which only lasts 1000 years. It is commonly called the Millennium, 6001-7000 AM or AD 2076-3075.

  • The Weekly Sabbath
  • The Zadok priests taught that the seven-day week is the basis of the Zadok calendar. The ritual performed on the Sabbath teaches that mankind has six days to work and one day of a Sabbath rest. This equates to six thousand years of human history and a one-thousand-year Sabbath rest called the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. I believe the apostle Peter was referring to this when he quoted Psalm 90:4; "that one day with the Lord is 'as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.'" 2 Peter 3:8

  • The Fourteen Onahs
  • The above graphic shows the fourteen Onahs, spanning the seven thousand years of human history. Each Onah is a 500-year period of time. The calendar starts with the Onah just to the right of the center line at the top of the circles. It then proceeds clockwise. We are currently approaching the end of the twelfth Onah, which should be marked with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

  • The Jubilee Year
  • The outermost ring is the Jubilee / Shemittah / year counter. From start to finish is one fifty-year Jubilee cycle. The fiftieth year is a Jubilee year. There are two Jubilees in a century. The graphic above shows the Jubilee year marked in blue at the top of the circle.

  • The Shemittahs
  • This Hebrew word is usually pronounced SHMEE-tuh and spelled various ways in English, including Shemittah, Shemittah, and Shemita. A Shemittah is a seven-year period of time. Just as the Gregorian calendar has ten "decades" that fit evenly into one "century," the ancient calendar had seven "Shemittahs" that make up forty-nine years to which one Jubilee year was added. This creates a fifty-year Jubilee cycle. Two Jubilees are one century.

  • The Jubilee Cycle
  • The Jubilee cycle starts with years 1-7 of the first Shemittah. It is then followed by years 1-7 of the second Shemittah. This continues through the years 1-7 of the seventh Shemittah. Then the last year of a Jubilee cycle is a single Jubilee year.

  • Biblical history Overview
  • Jubilee AM BC Date Event
    Y1 S1 J1 O1 1 3925 Nisan 1 Creation, Spring Equinox
    Y6 S1 J4 O4 1656 2268 Iyar 17 The Flood
    Y4 S7 J9 O4 1948 1978 Nisan 1 Abraham born
    Y4 S3 J1 O5 2018 1908 Nisan 15 Abrahamic Covenant Established
    Y6 S7 J9 O5 2448 1478 Nisan 15 The Exodus
    Y- S6 J9 O6 2935 990 Iyar Solomon's Temple Dedicated
    Y2 S6 J7 O7 3338 588/7 Av 9 Solomon's Temple Destroyed

    Jubilee AM AD Date Event
    Y- S1 J10 O8 3957 32 Nisan 14 Messiah died
    Y1 S4 J8 O12 5873 1948 Iyar Israel's 2nd birth
    Y7 S6 J8 O12 5892 1967 Sivan Israel takes Temple Mount
    J10 O12 6000 2075 Nisan 1 Year 6000
    Y1 S1 J1 O13 6001 2076 Nisan 1 First Kingdom year

    These key dates are the basis for the history charts. The Dead Sea Scrolls state Creation was at the spring equinox. Genesis 7:11 states the Flood was 1,656 years, one month, and 17 days after Creation. Genesis 10 gets us to the birth of Abraham. Galatians 3:16-17 states the Exodus from Egypt was 430 years after the covenant of Abraham. 1 Kings 6:1 & 38 take us from the Exodus to the dedication of Solomon's Temple. Other Jewish history texts, like the Seder Olam, state there were 403 years from its dedication to its destruction. This means Solomon’s Temple was destroyed in 3338 AM. It is commonly dated to be 587 BC. DSS 11Q13 states Messiah died exactly one Shemittah after the end of the ninth Jubilee of their age (the 8th Onah). This would have been AD 32. All of this places the date of Creation at 3925 BC, give or take one year.

    In the above charts, the left column is the Jubilee date which should be read as: the xx year of the xx Shemittah of the xx Jubilee of the xx Onah of the xx Age. Next to the Jubilee date column is the AM column (from the year of Creation). The middle column is the BC / AD date (from the birth of Christ). The next column is the month / month and day. Finally, the rightmost column is the event.